- Calendar of Events
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- LIVE ONLINE Theta Healing World Relations Seminar - REPEAT - contact Leanne
LIVE ONLINE Theta Healing World Relations Seminar - REPEAT - contact Leanne
Date: TBA email [email protected]
Time: MT
Duration: 5 days Thursday to Monday
Prerequisites: ThetaHealing Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Includes: electronic Practitioner Manual
Price Canadian: $1250 plus GST via interac
Price International: $1250 CAD via interac or PayPal
The ThetaHealing® World Relations Course focuses on specific cultures and beliefs to trigger present and past issues with races, religions, and people. Once these belief issues come to light, the hidden hatreds and resentment that goes back through centuries will be released. When you make peace with the world, the world is at peace within you.
The 5-day World Relations class is designed to enhance the ability of ThetaHealing® Teachers and Practitioners to work with people of all cultures and religions and from diverse backgrounds.
The work you do in this class will help you become much more effective in all professional and business roles that you have; able to interact with your students, clients and business colleagues with ease. You will feel more comfortable travelling to places that your ancestors may have previously lived in or had issues with. And you will gain invaluable insights and wisdom relevant in today’s multi-cultural societies, enabling you to be more at ease socially and within your own families and relationships.
In this 5 day course you’ll discover and learn:
- clear generations of genetic and history level beliefs about other peoples, countries, languages and cultures
- clear blocks relating to the major religions of the world
- release cultural and society beliefs that have been in-grained in us over the centuries regarding race, culture and religion
- clear ancestral beliefs that have been passed down genetically through your family
- free yourself from hidden prejudices and conflicts that may have unconsciously influenced your life experiences and your interactions with others – at work, socially, and in all areas of life.
- complete any unresolved issues that may be present for you from any countries that you have visited or lived in in this lifetime.
This seminar is 70% practical experience
Course fees and deposits are non-refundable except for emergency situations and in that event can be applied to a ThetaHealing session or course.